Sometimes you need to understand why the public, your customers, service users or stakeholders, are behaving in a certain way. Or perhaps you need to know how you might influence them to exhibit more desired behaviours. You might have a hunch that your own organisation is contributing to the behaviour that you want to change.
In these situations, just asking directly why people are doing what they’re doing sometimes isn’t enough. There’s a risk that people will tell you what they think you want to hear, or give simplistic or overly-logical answers that don’t reflect how human beings really think and feel.
We apply a range of behavioural insight research tools to give you richer insights into what’s driving behaviour and smarter solutions to help your organisation influence people.

Better understand behaviour
Collect rich insight on why people behave the way that they do. This might include the public, your customers, service users or stakeholders.

Identify influences
Recognise what influences shape attitudes and behaviour, and how this differs amongst different groups of people.

Influence behaviour
Armed with this insight, receive sharp recommendations on how your organisation can influence behaviours in a desired direction.
How we help
This isn’t an out of the box solution with one course of action.
Instead, our behavioural insight specialists will design a bespoke solution to meet your research objectives. We’ll draw on a range of models, specialisms and research techniques to help you understand behaviours more deeply.
Behavioural models might include COM-B, which systematically looks at how people’s capabilities, opportunities and motivations shape behaviour; or we might look at the role of concepts such as social norms amongst a group of people, or commitments that people have made.