Whether you’re launching a simple survey or planning a large-scale project the quality of your brief will hugely impact on your results. Using our experience, we’ve put together a ‘how to’ guide on writing an effective research brief.
Benchmarking is a way of evaluating an organisation’s performance against an external standard, or with other organisations and can also be carried out internally by comparing performance measures against a set of standard metrics.
The social housing white paper, or “The Charter for Social Housing Residents” was published in November 2020. At 76 pages, it’s a hefty document. So, in this article, we’ve broken down the chapters.
Successful research projects are largely the result of good planning. Before you even start to think about when and how you might conduct a research project in-house, you need to sit down and ask yourself and some key questions.
Tenant satisfaction measures: your definitive guide
From April 2023 all registered social housing providers in England must collect data using the tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). This guide includes some of the key things you need to know and do.
Qualitative research is typically concerned with exploring perceptions and views, unpicking behaviour and understanding experiences. It is often used to answer research questions beginning with ‘how’, ‘what’ or ‘why’.
You’ve run your survey, have your data and now it is time to make sense of the information you have collected and understand what the data is telling you.
The questionnaire is a researcher’s most important tool! You need to ask the right questions, in the right way to get the insight you need. This guide explains what makes a good survey, be it online or telephone, and what pitfalls to avoid.