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Trust and transparency are the new key drivers of satisfaction

Asking a simple follow-up question helps you understand whether your operatives/contractors are communicating next steps, how residents feel about the communication they’ve received, and the steps you can take to improve that communication.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission publishes results of restraint in schools inquiry

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published the results of their inquiry into the use of restraint in schools in England and Wales.

It’s not just about getting a well-paid job

I asked my colleagues to spend a couple of minutes thinking about why they went to university and what they wanted to get out of the experience.

Looking through a different lens

Looking back over the last five years or so, we’ve witnessed a fair few major and often unexpected events. To name but a few…Leicester City were crowned Premier League champions, Britain voted to leave the EU, and Trump became US President.

Our report on employer skills needs in Scotland is published

The Scottish Government has recently published the results of the Scottish Employer Skills Survey (ESS) 2020. This flagship survey follows on from the longstanding UK-wide Employer Skills Survey, conducted biennially from 2011 and 2017.

Post-Qualification Admissions: What do students think?

We turn our attention to the most important question in the post-qualifications admissions system debate: do students actually want it?

Post Qualification Admissions and the tale of two (and a half) models

Post qualification admissions (PQA) is a simple idea, based on a simple premise: students should only receive offers from universities once they know their A-Level or equivalent results.

Evaluating In-Depth Assessments (IDAs) for the Regulator of Social Housing

The In-Depth Assessment (IDA) process is a regulatory tool used by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) to gather assurance that registered providers are meeting the expectations of the regulator’s standards.

The revival of the ‘big four’ in international student mobility

The international student mobility landscape has been vastly impacted by increasing diversity in the market.

Understanding the experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children joining family in England

We were commissioned to fill a knowledge gap the Department for Education (DfE) identified on the experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people joining family in England.

Reframing the student accommodation compensation debate

Following on from a previous blog on tuition fees, our focus now turns to student accommodation.

Creating a culture of inclusivity in research

The Black Lives Matters movement which came to the fore in 2020 galvanised so many of us to take stock and address the inequalities we observe and enable.