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Comparing LEO data with Graduate Index

The Longitudinal Educational Outcomes (LEO) is an important dataset within higher education. But, the concern with viewing it in isolation is that it is only one indicator of graduate success.

Tenant satisfaction measures: our reflections on the proposed new measures

The Regulator of Social Housing in England launched their proposed tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) for consultation on 9th December. These measures are in light of the proposals set out in the Social Housing White Paper launched in November 2020.

Where there’s #iwill, there’s a way: Early learnings from IFF’s Evaluation of the Co-op Foundation #iwill Fund

#iwill is a national campaign to promote social action among young people, set up by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the National Lottery Community Fund.

“Putting customers at the heart” in Financial Services

Putting customers at the heart is a phrase that is used across so many organisations these days, but what does it really mean?

Schools’ views on multi-academy trusts: DfE research published

We found that the vast majority of schools in a multi-academy trust (MAT) felt the overall impact on the school on joining or forming one had been positive.

Reflections from the MRS Sustainability Summit: Getting our house in order

One of the key messages that came out of the recent MRS Sustainability Summit, was about us as research agencies getting our own houses in order.

How can market research reduce commercial risk?

We have all faced difficult decisions in our professional lives. Should we launch a new product or service? Is now a good time to go ahead with that marketing strategy or PR campaign?

IFF Research signs the MRS Net Zero Pledge, committing to net zero by 2026

We’re delighted to announce that IFF have signed this important Pledge. This trigger builds on environmental improvements we at IFF have started to implement over the last few years, but crucially it provides a target.

DfE research helps support schools and pupils and begin educational recovery

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected all aspects of society, and education has been no exception.

IFF launches new Energy & Environment sector

We believe that with a collective effort there is a future to fight for, and that this climate crisis can be abated.

Report calls for CEOs to see youth employment as key part of recovery

A new report commissioned by Movement to Work (MtW) and Youth Futures Foundation (YFF), and co-sponsored by Accenture and Sage— reveals the economic and social benefits that can be achieved when UK employers support youth employment programs.

Improving educational outcomes for looked after children: Welsh Government publishes our findings

The Welsh Government has published our research findings exploring an integrated approach to improving educational outcomes for looked after children.