Browse our case studies

Understanding the experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children joining family in England

The Department for Education sought to fill a knowledge gap around the experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that joined family in England under the Dublin III Regulation.

Perception is reality: Clanmil’s stakeholder insights help inform future strategy

Listening and learning is essential to understanding how a housing provider is perceived within their community, their sector and amongst peers. Clanmil wanted feedback from stakeholders on how they perform in terms of collaboration, communication, innovation and delivering on their business objectives.

Peabody takes a fresh perspective on resident engagement

To kickstart their resident engagement strategy, Peabody commissioned research to challenge commonly held views about what resident engagement entails and discover how language and engaging with residents in a more ‘human’ manner can change the conversation.

Diving deep: How resident insight informs strategies at LiveWest

Determined to understand more about their residents’ lived experiences, LiveWest commissioned a research project, called Slice of Life, inviting respondents to share their views and circumstances around health, employment, and wellbeing.

Flexible Postgraduate taught provision for different markets: considered change in a changing world

The University of Portsmouth (UoP) explored innovative and flexible ways to deliver Postgraduate taught (PGT) courses, through a combination of mapping and evaluation analysis and primary research with prospective students and employers.

Embedding and impact; two and a half years of customer success with Midland Heart

Social Housing provider, Midland Heart, implemented a customer satisfaction programme in 2018 encompassing 10 elements of service provision. This programme was designed to streamline processes around data cleansing, monitoring and management systems to reduce survey fatigue, while improving sampling and the quality of customer feedback.

Using horizon scanning to understand the evolving East London graduate market

University of East London’s needed to assess their portfolio to inform future course development and align the university’s strategic priorities to local employer needs. We helped with horizon scanning, which has been used to create a strategy to make a positive difference to student, graduate and community success.

Supporting the development of an integrated, regional approach to programme evaluation in East Asia

IFF Research has worked collaboratively with the East Asia regional team to develop and implement a regional M&E programme that enables robust, consistent data collection across the region, with the ability to adapt to the unique needs of each country and its programmes.

Evaluating the impact of British Council’s programmes to support ‘China Readiness’ in graduates

The British Council needed an evaluation partner to assess the demographics, impacts and beyond of some of their key programmes.

CMA identify competition concerns within investment consultancy and fiduciary management markets

The CMA found competition problems within both the investment consultancy and the fiduciary management markets. In December 2018, the CMA announced a range of reforms to the investment consultancy and fiduciary management sector to deal with its concerns.

FCA find mistrust of pensions and low annuity rates motivates people to fully withdraw their pension pots

We worked with the FCA to explore why people are fully withdrawing given pension pots, how they are doing it, and if they fully understand alternative options. The findings were one of the strands of evidence used to inform the FCA’s Retirement Outcome Review.

Evaluating the impact of British Council’s creative enterprise and entrepreneurship programme in Central Asia

The British Council wanted to better understand the state of the creative industries in the UK, including models of extracurricular enterprise and entrepreneurship education and an overview of the current higher education and economic landscape in six Central Asian and South Caucasus countries.

Peabody increase their understanding of the lived experience of their residents

Peabody needed insight into the lives of their residents and the challenges they face, to help them communicate more effectively with their residents and to allow them to develop tailored services which focus on residents’ needs.

Universal Credit customer journey mapping from Karbon Homes

We worked with Karbon to create interventions to their customer’s needs during difficult times and whilst navigating the complex journey of Universal Credit. Our findings meant they were more informed in way to best help their customers.

Impact on the construction sector of proposed new visa restrictions

CITB needed to better understand the profile of the construction workforce, and the views and experiences of a number of audiences, including non-UK workers. Based on the research findings, CITB have pushed for greater simplicity in the proposed visa system.

Global insight to develop and evolve the University of London’s International Programmes brand

The University of London worked with us to further develop their brand develop the brand and inform the university’s recruitment of overseas students. They needed to understand what brand values they conveyed and why their students chose UoL.